Dst In Sarasota Magazine – Best Halloween Events In Sarasota-Manatee

The Best Halloween Events in Sarasota-Manatee
Discover Sarasota Tours: Haunted Sarasota “Mummies, Murder, and Mayhem” Tour
Oct. 14-31, 1826 Fourth St., Sarasota, discoversarasotatours.com
Discover Sarasota Tours: The Boomobile Tour
Oct. 14-30 (weekends only), 1826 Fourth St., Sarasota, discoversarasotatours.com
Discover Sarasota’s newest spooky offering is the family-friendly “BooMobile” tour. This 45-minute musical adventure runs from 6:30 p.m.-7:15 p.m. and begins with free apple cider and cookies from the Trolley Cottage. On board, join Miss WitchyPOO on a search around Sarasota for her missing magic pumpkin. If you’re in the mood, don a costume—the best one wins a special prize in the costume contest. Tickets for kids ages 3-11 are $19.99; tickets for those 12-plus are $24.99. Parking is free.