Dst In Sarasota Scene Magazine December 2020

Seasonal Sparkle
Sarasota Scene Magazine — December 2020
Wandering through the winter lights is a holiday tradition for many. To get you into the seasonal spirit, we’ve collected a few of the best and brightest spectacles Sarasota has to offer. Please visit websites for updates on these events, and reference our events calendar for more holiday fun.
Lakewood Ranch Main Street: This year, LWR will be featuring a drop box for notes to Santa, socially distanced carriage rides, and an outdoor car show. Visit lakewoodranch.com for the most up to date information.
Marie Selby Botalical Gardens: One of the most notable holiday spectacles is Selby Gardens’ annual “Lights in Bloom.” Visit selby.org for up to date information on this year’s event.
Discover Sarasota Tours: Step onboard our Holly Jolly Trolley with guide Jenny Jingle for our special daytime holiday tour with cocoa, carols & Christmas stories of Sarasota. Visit discoversarasotatours.com for up to date information on this year’s event.
St. Armands Circle: “Holiday Night of Lights” is St. Armands official kick off to the holiday season, featuring a tree lighting ceremony and a guest appearance from Santa himself! Visit starmandscircleassoc.com for up to date information on this year’s event.